On today’s observance of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr, I like to point out Rev King’s work for economic equality. America focuses so intently on his work for social justice. The protests and non-violent marches he led against racisim to gain equality for Black people in America are hugely important. But we cannot forget that Rev King’s message quickly evolved into one for economic justice. Rev King began calling for fair wages, fair working conditions and better distribution of wealth to all people. This call for economic justice included all poor people, regardless of ethnicity or race.

Money is a very powerful unifier. And his enemies knew it. Not long after this speech, he was assassinated. So when we remember Rev. King, let’s remember him right. He wanted ECONOMIC justice in America beyond his desire for social justice.
At FM Capital Group and Bay Street Capital Holdings, we work with clients who otherwise would not receive investment services. We look for investment opportunities that enable wealth creation in communities that capital flows have largely ignored. We endeavor to make Rev. King’s dream for economic equality a real one.